Saturday, September 3, 2016

Log 05X-9

Log 05X-9

-Author: Rinas Rylos
-Rank: C.E.O.
-Corporation: Rinas' Raiders
-Date: 114.05.02

Well, Journal, preparations are just about done, and not a moment too soon. Sorta. I mean, there's still roughly a month before I make my move, but it's given me some time to sit back and double check that I've done everything I can ensure this all goes smoothly. My money is harder to track than a cloaked scouter, I've got just enough assets left to put up a facade of giving a shit in my contracts for the time left to me, and I've currently got some implants to learn how to finally fly a damn ship hooked up to my tech. Granted, I'm not a capsuleer, so things don't -exactly- translate, but I figure it's more or less accurate, and it saves me the hassle of having to hire an actual crew and then bribe them to keep their mouths shut or just flat-out murder them. Ordinarily, I'd be joking about that last bit, but looking back at the things I've done and the business I've gotten myself into, perhaps it's not as comical as I'd like it to be.

Don't get me wrong, talking with Kaz has helped me realize that it's a little too late to, uh, backtrack on my particular career choice, even if it wasn't nearly as much of a choice in the beginning, and talking with Chime reminded me that I've gotten awfully philosophical about a job that's pretty simple, all things considered. Pull trigger, try not to die, get paid, repeat. Ruminating on the spiritual or ethical choices of a system designed to not only keep everyone alive but also return them home at the end of the day is kind of like discussing the moral ramifications of being some kind of pencil pushing bureaucrat, though as far as -that- goes, I'm relatively sure I've killed way less people than bureaucrats have, especially permanently. At any rate, it's probably not my place (and god knows you've had to listen to my whining about ethics more than anyone, Journal) but I think it's probably one of the few things that really helps me cope. Or was. Did? Will? I dunno. I'm not sure I'm going to keep writing after I'm done with this. Perhaps I'll edit a few things and put this out on the net, let the common folk see what it's like to live without ever dying. Or maybe I'll just delete the whole thing and laugh about it. At this point, anything seems like a viable option; Aside from my funds, I'm not actually taking a whole lot with me; A good luck charm Kaz made me from part of a dud artillery shell that landed right next to him, a hair decoration that Chime gave me after landing a particularly lucrative contract, and as for the Doc...I'll have to think about it.

As far as my family goes...I do have a picture. I went landside just before the end of last month to take it. Gods, they've all gotten so much bigger. My brother is almost as tall as I am, and that's post surgical and genetic enhancement. The kids are all walking now, and most of them can talk, save for little Sina. She's the youngest, technically, given that her and Rive are twins, but she was born about a minute later than he was. I...I'm not gonna lie, Journal, I wasn't in top form when I came down. I had presents lined up and was totally prepared to make the most of what time I had left with them, but I broke quicker than a Caldari being forced to sell shit at cost. I'm not the most...familial person, Journal. What I did when I was younger, I did more out of a sense of duty to my siblings than out of any love, and while that might seem cold, it kept them alive and healthy. I think if I'd let myself love them, then the sense of guilt for them being put in such a shit situation would've killed me, even if it was hardly my fault to begin with.

Well, that went out the fucking window, and about any composure I had with it. I walked through the doorway to our-their house, and I just...couldn't. Seeing them all, happy and healthy and knowing that I contributed to it all, and it was one of the few times in my life where I've felt like I've actually contributed something positive to the universe, and I just couldn't. And then they put those tiny fucking hands on me, trying to make me feel better, and my brother held me, and I swear to god I don't want to go now. I really, really, really fucking don't. We talked, and laughed, and I got to actually feel like part of my own family for the first fucking time, and it's all going to be torn away because I cannot and will not let them be torn apart by those fucks in our government just so they can get to me. So instead I sucked it up, and after bawling like I was younger than Sina we went and toured their house, seeing their bedrooms, the kitchen, the entertainment room, etc. It was all so...normal, which was kinda hard to comprehend, if I'm gonna be real. I mean, I've got a vid screen up in my apartment, but since I've just got the basic package it's like ninety-nine percent ads for weapon deals (which are getting increasingly more desperate, I might add) and the occasional ad for stuff like new suits and whatnot.

I was kinda glad to see that they were living fairly modestly; The house wasn't too big, and their clothing and food was nice, but not extravagant, something I guess my brother picked up from me. I've sent them a loooot of money, especially considering it has to be exchanged for planetside currency, so they're gonna be fine for a long, long, while. After they showed me around, they had me sit down and asked about a million questions about my job, just about all of which I couldn't answer. Even if I wasn't about to give the government the finger and head on out, there's so much that's still classified that even knowing a hint about it would land them in a "reeducation camp" somewhere with the flimsiest fucking excuse for a trial ever. Besides, licensed mercenary isn't exactly a family table topic of conversation, whether it's your job or not, right? I'm seriously asking, since I have no fucking idea.

I've contemplated the idea of just pulling them out of their lives completely, but I can't do that. It would destabilize everything I've worked for, and if I couldn't find someplace to help them settle down again? They'd be screwed. Besides, the only other places they would be safe are in foreign space, which...isn't really so much more safe as less likely to wind up strapped to a chair somewhere. As it is, I know they're going to be abducted; That's...just a thing that's going to happen. Once I'm off the radar, they'll come kicking down doors and brandishing these guns that might've been able to put a round in some of the earliest suits they produced for us. They'll scare the shit out of them, talk about not seeing their relatives again, about going to jail forever, etc, but once it finally becomes clear that they'll have no idea where I am, they'll be released. They might be fucking assholes, but even my government won't just up and execute people for absolutely no reason.

So after we played twenty bajillion questions, we settled down for dinner, we snuggled up together to watch a movie, and then...well, it was time to go. Everyone except the oldest was rubbing sleep out of their eyes anyway, and there was only one shuttle back up beyond the atmosphere scheduled for the day. Hugs were given, right alongside a ton of kisses, and...that was it. I left.

I've done some shit things, Journal. I don't deserve the love they showed me. But that didn't stop every step away from their place becoming that much more difficult. All my money, all my experience, I'd trade all of it away just to have another day with them. But I can't.

I'm going to miss them.

-End Log


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